dearantler spellbound Laura Palmer


dearantler is the virtual gallery of Edith and Jolly de Guzman, where they exhibit artwork on a frequently rotating basis.

e + j  are avid travelers who thrive on sharing their love of life, beauty, nature and art through interpretation in various media including photography, drawing, printmaking, watercolors and words. They love exploring the less-traveled corners of the West and beyond, from the lowest desert valleys to the highest glacier-topped mountains. They hope to tickle and feed your wayfaring appetite, and maybe give you an idea or two about new places to travel.

There's no substitute for experiencing art in person, but we know that most people don't get out to galleries and museums as often as they'd like. So we created this site to bring you shows to enjoy at your leisure, whether you're in cocktail attire or your pajamas. Of course, we're always interested in exhibiting in spaces you can actually walk into (and are open to suggestions and invitations).

dearantler is also the blogging home of Jedediah Cornelius Antler, the swankiest eight-point buck you'll ever meet. Jed's column offers musings on art, travel, hiking and life in the mountains above Los Angeles. Jed is a no-nonsense, hooves-on-the-ground kind of deer and he gladly accepts questions and requests for advice from human and non-human creatures alike.  

Drop us a line, ask Jed a question, or be a "Jedhead" by signing up for our mailing list here. Just put "nice rack" in the subject line and we'll add you to Jed's Lemur Magazine newsletter. You can also check out our FAQs.