Communities in Los Angeles and around California face a variety of water challenges ranging from securing access to clean, affordable water, to contending with the reality of water supplies threatened by a changing climate. What’s On Tap: LA’s Water Story…Source to Spigot explores these issues and our region’s ever-changing water story. The exhibit opened at Avenue 50 Studio in July and is currently on view at El Tranquilo Gallery, W19 Olvera Street at El Pueblo de Los Ángeles Historical Monument.
Join us for the closing reception on Sunday, Sept. 29th, 3-6pm! The reception will include live music by Shoshana Ben-Horin, as well as a not-to-be-missed panel discussion at 4pm focused on the past, present, and future of local water. The panel will be moderated by UCLA Public Policy Professor Dr. Megan Mullin. Panelists will include:
Amanda Begley, Watershed Senior Program Manager, TreePeople
Dr. Edith de Guzman, Cooperative Extension Specialist, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation
Conner Everts, Facilitator for the Environmental Water Caucus, Executive Director of the Southern California Watershed Alliance, and Co-chair of the Desal Response Group
Dr. Mark Gold, Director, Water Scarcity Solutions, Environmental Health, Natural Resources Defense Council
The discussion will be followed by a blind water tasting. Participants will be able to decide for themselves how various brands of bottled water stack up against each other and tap water.