This month's show brings two variations in different media on the theme of "Grand Canyon," ranging from the literal to the abstract.
"I determine to go on"
Grand Canyon - a photoessay
Edith presents 15 vibrant, dreamlike images in a photoessay on experiencing the Canyon below the rim over a few days of exploration. Through images of flora, fauna and breathtaking landscapes, the collection captures the grandeur and timelessness that this land embodies. Titles for each of the works are borrowed from descriptions of the Canyon written by the man most often associated with its exploration -- John Wesley Powell.
The Grand Canyon Letters (2)
The Grand Canyon Letters - a monoprint monologue
Jolly's collection of 12 monoprints examines the "grand canyons" of the human heart and the great emotional distances life sometimes requires us to travel. Monoprinting is a printmaking technique in which no two prints are alike despite a repeated image. The monoprints in The Grand Canyon Letters use several layers to create intricate compositions that blend architectural patterns, abstract colors and handwritten text. The letters are written from one person's perspective and explore the nature of relationships and coexistence.